Have you ever noticed that when you get mad (sit in rush hour traffic, overcharge a credit card, etc) your heart begins to beat fast, your muscles tense and you begin to breathe heavily?

This is called a fight or flight response – a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a stressful event.

Your sympathetic nervous system triggers the fight or flight response and causes this reaction. During this reaction, your muscles require more oxygen, sugar for fuel, and a way to remove carbon dioxide and metabolic waste. Your heart accomplishes this by speeding up and pumping more oxygen and nutrient- rich blood to your muscles.

We experience different stress levels during the day in various situations. Sometimes this stress accumulates and may even cause anxiety. When we continue to activate our sympathetic nervous system, without taking the proper counter-measures, our blood pressure will continue to increase, sugar levels will go up, muscles will constantly ache and we may find it hard to fall asleep.

The body’s para-sympathetic nervous system counteracts the sympathetic nervous system.

When we are calm, our heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels decrease. Our muscles become relaxed, and we enter a state of calmness. When we are calm, we conserve energy, heal our bodies, rest and digest our foods.

What is our technology?
We’ve taken advanced software used by medical professionals and we have created an easy-to use app that will guide you to a state of relaxation.

How does it work?
Our technology measures the activity in your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system by taking continuous readings via the fingertip sensor. We then train you to decrease the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (STRESS) and increase the activity in the parasympathetic nervous system. (CALM).

What is Biofeedback?
Using devices to measure a biological signal and then using the information to guide a reaction or response.

Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

A normal heart beats 60 to 80 times a minute at rest. The time between the beats is measured in milliseconds and it always varies. This is called Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Our technology is able to measures this extremely small time interval.

When you breathe in, your heart rate increases. When you breathe out, your heart rate slows down.

With long term stress, your heart rate remains too high and the time interval between beats during exhalation does not increase enough. HRV biofeedback calms you down and reduces your heart rate by increasing the time intervals between beats during exhalation. You are accomplishing this by exercising and increasing the strength of your para-sympathetic (calm) nervous system.

HRV is an important indicator of your health, mood and your ability to perform and focus. It is also a key factor in your response to stressful situations.

​Heart Rate Variability is a proven scientific method used to decrease stress and increase calmness. Over the past 40 years, hundreds of clinical trial articles have been published in the medical literature.

Will practicing Meditation and Yoga help improve my health, mood and resilience to stress?

Meditation and Yoga have been practiced for thousands of years in improving health and focus. In the past 50 years, hundreds of clinical studies were performed proving the benefits of practicing meditation and yoga.

What is Resonance Frequency Breathing?
Resonance Frequency Breathing is a scientific term describing a specific breathing rate where your heart, mind, and breathing are in perfect harmony. This is the goal of meditation and yoga practice. Depending on your state of mind and internal physiological balance, the best breathing rate to achieve optimal calmness may be anywhere from 4.5 to 8 breaths per minute. This rate will change constantly.

Breathing at your Resonance Frequency rate results in a positive mood and improvement in health such as lower blood pressure. Research shows that breathing at a rate of 1 breath per minute off from your Resonance Frequency Breathing rate, reduces the beneficial effects we are trying to achieve.

​Example: Let’s say based on your current state of mind, your Resonance Breathing rate is 5.5 breaths per minute. If you are breathing at a constant 6.5 breaths per minute, you are not achieving your maximum stress reduction.

Should I always breathe at my Resonance Frequency Breathing rate?
Your Resonance Frequency Breathing Rate is NOT your normal breathing rate. It is only used during the breathing exercises and when you want to calm down or increase your ability to perform.

Why choose our product?
Our app synchronizes with your physiology giving you a personalized result. Using real-time vitals obtained by the heart rate sensor, the iFeelWell App guides you to breathe at your Resonance Frequency Breathing rate. The sensor and app work as your personal coach. You will learn to inhale when your heart rate increases and exhale when your heart rate decreases. You will be guided to lengthen your exhalation to calm your heart and mind and increase your resilience to stress.

iFeelWell is an adjunct to meditation and yoga breathing techniques. iFeelWell quickly and efficiently paces you to breathe at your Personal Best Relaxation Breathing Rate.

What are the real-world applications for Resonance Frequency Breathing?

These techniques manage emotions and have helped many individuals to:

  • Reduce anxiety and stress
  • Calm down
  • Improve sleep
  • Reduce muscle tension
  • Activate the body’s natural relaxation response
  • Along with a healthy lifestyle, relaxation breathing techniques and reduced stress may help lower your risk of developing and/or reduce the impact of Type 2 Diabetes & High Blood Pressure
  • Resonance Frequency Breathing is used by professional and Olympic athletes to increase focus and improve performance
  • Resonance Frequency Breathing is taught to individuals in highly stressful professions such as high-performance military pilots, law enforcement personnel, and actors and singers to cope with stage fright
  • Resonance Frequency Breathing has also shown to improve scores during test taking