What is SMART Pulse Oximeter + Relaxation Coach?
It is a system that teaches the individual the optimal relaxation breathing method, reduces stress, calms down, and improves health and concentration. The scientific term for optimal relaxation respiratory rate is resonance frequency breathing. Resonance frequency respiratory rate is not normal respiratory rate. Use only while practicing breathing exercises or when you want to calm down or improve your ability to perform.
What is the goal of this breathing exercise?
The goal of relaxation breathing exercises is to move the ball on the stress / calm bar to the green calm zone.
Do I need to keep an eye on my breathing coach?
Your goal is to move the ball on the stress / calm bar to the green calm zone.
There are three ways to enter the stress / calm bar green zone. Use a breathing method that relaxes each person.
1. Follow a breathing coach (pacemaker)
Pacemakers help you know when to inhale and exhale at optimal breathing rates to achieve relaxation. Once you get used to the feeling of proper breathing rate, you don’t have to follow a pacemaker. Eventually, you will be able to breathe at the right rate without resorting to visual guidance.
2. Chase the ball with the stress / calm bar
Some people may find it difficult at first to follow a breathing coach’s pacemaker. They can be more relaxed by observing the ball at the stress / calm bar and adjusting their breathing patterns to move the ball to the green zone.
3. Music / natural sound feedback only
Under the guidance of relaxation coaches, underwater coaches, and color coaches, when you close your eyes and listen to music, the volume becomes louder, which is an indicator of relaxation.
Occasionally, focusing on the ball with a stress / calm bar will help you reach the green calm zone. Is it OK?
At first, some people have difficulty understanding a breathing coach’s pacemaker. They are more relaxed by observing the ball in the stress / calm bar and adjusting the breathing pattern to move the ball to the green calm zone. Some people prefer to close their eyes, listen to music, and breathe at their own pace. Mindfulness is an important part of the relaxation process, so everyone has their own way to reach the stress / calm bar green zone.
I’m following the coach pacer, but the stress / calm bar ball remains red. What’s wrong?
Your inner balance depends on three factors: your state of mind, your heart rate, and your respiratory rate. All three elements need to work in harmony, reduce stress and stay calm. Mindfulness is an important part of the relaxation process, so everyone has their own best way to reach the green calm zone of the stress / calm bar.
Mindfulness is a term used to achieve a mental state that is agnostic to the past and future. It is a therapy technique that focuses on “here and now” and accepts your feelings and thoughts.
This app helps you achieve mindfulness when focusing on breathing coaches, music, audio, video and photos.
At that moment, focus on the breathing coach, music, audio, video, and photography.
I’m trying hard to reach the green calm zone, but the ball is moving towards the red stress zone. why?
We have all been taught that we need to work harder to reach our goals. This is not the case when relaxing with breathing speed. The harder you work, the more stress you get. Breathing should be smooth. Be gentle and acceptable to your breathing exercises. Don’t worry about how well you are doing or your progress. Repeating improves your ability to regulate yourself and your breathing.
I pay attention to breathing coaches, music, audio, video, and photos, but I still have trouble getting into the green calm zone. Could I ask the reason?
Try moving the focus away from the training screen for a while. It relaxes the muscles and returns to the normal natural breathing pace. Keep this condition for as long as you need until you are ready to train again with a pacemaker.
Try to focus on slowing your breathing. Slow breathing has many mental and physical benefits. Count up to 4 or 5 while exhaling. You can also use the rounded lip breathing technique
Sometimes shallow breathing may keep your inner balance towards the stress red zone. Take a few deep breaths to interrupt the cycle and maintain a balance close to the calm zone.
People tend to try to breathe deeply to relax. If you take a long time to exhale, deep breathing will occur naturally.
What if you have negative emotions, worries, or annoying thoughts while trying to relax?
Negative emotions, worries, and annoying thoughts can cause your breathing coach to get out of sync with your heart rate. Focus on breathing coaches, music, audio, video and photography.
Try to count. Since the storage capacity that can store information at the same time is limited, counting can help you to let go of negative thoughts.
Are there any conditions that can affect the accuracy of the breathing coach?
For some people taking heart medications or sleep apnea, the rhythm of the heart can “confuse” the coach. The coach’s breathing pattern may not reach the green zone well. In this case, adjust your breathing yourself to successfully move the ball to the green zone.
When should I avoid practicing relaxation techniques?
Avoid practicing within an hour before and after a meal. Both hunger and fullness are distracting. You can practice at different times of the day to find the best time for you.
Does my posture affect my relaxation results?
Posture can interfere with your inspiration. Make sure you are dressed to completely relax your abdominal muscles. Sit in a chair or lie down. Your airways should be clear. Breathe through your mouth or nose, whichever is more comfortable.
When will the effect be seen?
As with all the techniques you’ve learned, such as biking, playing musical instruments, and bodybuilding, it takes time and practice to master the skills you need. Most people get results in 4 to 6 weeks, but improvements can be seen much faster. For best results, we recommend at least 15 minutes of practice per day. The time in the green calm zone helps you recover from stress.
Can I turn the app sound off?
There are 2 methods to turn the app sound off. Tapping the speaker icon located in the left upper hand corner will toggle the app sound on and off.
1. You can turn down the volume on your phone.
2. You can mute the sound in the programs in the Relax menu and Sleep menu.
Can I listen to my own music?
We have selected a handful of calming sounds to help you relax. If you would like to listen to your own music from your phone, simply mute the sound on the app and play music from your own music library or from a streaming service. Use your phone volume control to adjust the background music volume. You may want to listen to music from your TV or radio.
Can I make or receive a phone call and use the app’s breathing coach to relax at the same time?
Yes. You can toggle off the app sound in the programs in the Relax and Sleep menus. Then follow the breathing coach pacer and make or receive This is a very useful calming technique during a stressful phone call.
Do I have to do the Baseline Monitoring?
Baseline monitoring is optional. If you consistently take your reading in the morning when you first wake up, you can track your Inner Balance trend, Heart Rate and Oxygen level. You can develop a history of your vital signs which can help determine what calms you down and what stresses you out.
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